Idiots of the World February 1 Meeting

Minutes of the last meeting: February 1, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.

5:01- Met outside meeting hall. Half of members didn't show. Turned out they started to drive here, but were distracted by a shiny red fire truck they saw on the way. Followed that instead.
5:02-Secretary-General arrived. His shirt was on inside out.
5:03- Staff attempted to open door to meeting hall. Failed. Discovered what they thought was a door was just an air vent. Explains why at previous meeting the hallways seemed smaller.
5:04- Located correct door. After several attempts, opened.
5:05 - Entered room, Secretary General took stage. Half of members sat facing opposite direction.
5:07 - Most members now facing the correct direction.
5:08- Secretary-General brings the room to order. First order of business: cheesy puffs. Are they delicious or superrific?
5:09- Debate begins on the cheesy puff motion.
5:12- Motion to form exploratory committee on cheesy puff motion submitted, members vote 31-12-4 in favor. Four members voted "maybe."
5:14- Motion submitted to recognize Traci G of AsMaineGoes.Com for her "great contributions in the pursuit of Idiocy."
5:16- Motion submitted to Amend prior motion to change word "pursuit" to "achievement." Motion passes.
5:18- Janitor appears, asks who are you people and why are you hanging out in this elementary school gymnasium? You don't have permission.
5:19- Meeting adjourned.